Birth Doula Packages

WAVES (Birth Doula + Birth Photography)


  1. Complimentary Consultation via Zoom: get to know me and discuss what your dream birth looks like

  2. Two Prenatal Visits: 32 weeks and 36 weeks gestation

  3. Unlimited Text and Phone Support

  4. Labor Simulation: explore coping methods and comfort measures

  5. On Call 24/7 for Your Birth: from 38 weeks gestation to delivery of your baby

  6. Continuous Labor Support with a medically informed doula

  7. Gadgets For Labor: Tens Unit, Peanut Balls, CUB

  8. Support 2 Hours Immediately After the Birth of Your Baby

  9. Your Birth Captured With Documentary Style Photographs

  10. Two Postpartum Visits in Your Home: 3 days postpartum and 2 weeks postpartum

WIND (Birth Doula)


  1. Complimentary Consultation via Zoom: get to know me and discuss what your dream birth looks like

  2. Two Prenatal Visits: 32 weeks and 36 weeks gestation

  3. Unlimited Text and Phone Support

  4. Labor Simulation: explore coping methods and comfort measures

  5. On Call 24/7 for Your Birth: from 38 weeks gestation to delivery of your baby

  6. Continuous Labor Support with a medically informed doula

  7. Gadgets For Labor: Tens Unit, Peanut Balls, CUB

  8. Support 2 Hours Immediately After the Birth of Your Baby

  9. Two Postpartum Visits in Your Home: 3 days postpartum and 2 weeks postpartum